24 April 2006

Regrets? I've had a few

So, something in the comments got me to thinking. In general, I don't have too much use for regret. I've spent a good portion of my life making bad choices and then having fun with it but living with the consequences. Yeah, planning isn't my strong suit but making the best of rough patches is a talent I've developed. So, while I don't necessarily regret my decisions, mostly because of the stories I have to tell and the fun I've had along the way, I might, if given the chance, change some things.

How different would life be, though? Would I look back and regret a life lived to other's expectations? Would I be the person I am now? Would I be, the worst of all possible fates, bored with what I'd done in my life? Maybe. There's no way to know for sure. But, a decision here or there, some delayed gratification, some wiser financial decisions and perhaps things would be better. Or perhaps, they'd just be ... different. I had a boss once who, after hiring me into his group, asked me how I liked it. "Much better than where I was at." I replied. He then said something that I've often thought about when I wonder if things would be different or better somewhere else, he said "Well, eventually, it will be just a different kind of suck."

So, what about you? Do you have any regrets?


At 12:32, Blogger dawnmarie said...

I have always had little use for regret. It's a big waste of time. I could spend my time regretting, or i could learn and move forward. I'd rather spend my time moving forward.

and hell, sometimes, it's more fun to not learn and do it again.

At 12:57, Blogger Rachel said...

i don't have any major regrets in life. sure, there are a few things i would do differently if i had the chance, but it's a lot more useful to learn from your mistakes and move on than it is to dwell on them.

At 21:08, Blogger Sarah said...

count one more in the "i don't bother" camp.

i've made relatively few bad choices and nothing really awful, so i suppose i am lucky in that regard.


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